Monday, December 23, 2013

Many strategies have come and gone within your PPC campaigns this year
Many strategies have come and gone within your PPC campaigns this year. Launching numerous initiatives can have an unwelcome side effect: remnant changes and content can linger within your account and impact your long-term performance. Now is the time of year to review your campaigns to clean up, synchronize, and spot check.

"Remnant changes," mean the alterations that were inadvertently left active in your accounts. I'm sure you're careful to double-check all your changes, but PPC moves fast and things can get missed even with the keenest eyes – especially if multiple people work on an account.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Each year, webmasters and marketing managers are faced with new developments and technologies, and it can be hard to know which to adopt and which to ignore. But Google Authorship is not one something to casually disregard.
8 Reasons Why Google Authorship Might be The Most Important Thing You Adopt This Year

Google’s AuthorRank can strengthen the SEO value of pages published by a particular individual and now is the time to climb on board – before your competitors do.
Blogger platform is no doubt the best platform for newbie bloggers to start off. There are lot's of controversial that blogger team are deleting blogs for no reason which i don't believe. Google (blogger) have set Content policy and Terms of Service and any blogger that violate the rules will get is blog suspended or deleted.
10 Illegal Activities That Can Cause Your Blogger Blog To Be Deleted

Monday, March 25, 2013

Everyday, new businesses and blogs are introduced to the blogging world, and it's so obvious that all newbie bloggers are prone to mistakes because someone who never made a mistake never try something new, and the best way to avoid this mistake is to learn from others experience.
Beginners Guide - 14 Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid As a Newbie

It's been a while now that i started blogging, and there are lot's of mistakes i made along the journey, but things are getting better as time goes on. As the old philosophy says "mistakes makes a man perfect", i always try to recognize my mistakes by examining the pro's in my industry and learn from their mistakes as well as correct my lapses.
8 Reasons Why You Will Fail at Blogging
Surveys and analytic say, thousands of blogs are being set up on daily basis and there are more than 300,000 blogs. Out of all these, only few blogs are still live while others are dead.
It so obvious that most bloggers launch a blog and quit within 6 months.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The dream of every webmasters and bloggers is to see their content ranking higher in search results for their targeted keywords. 

The dream of every webmasters and bloggers is to see their content ranking higher in search results for their targeted keywords.
It's not news again when we say the position of a page in serp is determined by the quality natural links pointing to that page, because it will prove to search engines especially Google, that your page is useful, unique and very informative, when people link back to your content for reference purpose and Google will definitely reward you by placing your page in a better position in serp. But Google detest the practice of linking to unrelated pages, when a fashion site is linking to a auto repair site is just confusing and will be consider as paid link by Google.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cutts: Google Toolbar PageRank Will Continued To Be Supported
Yesterday's Matt Cutts video was about why the heck does Google still have toolbar PageRank data available to users.
Does Google Update Their AdSense Algorithm?
Most webmasters and SEOs are obsessed with Google web search algorithm updates but very few talk about when Google updates their AdSense algorithms.
Google Removes "Not Selected" Within Google Webmaster Tools Index Status
If you login to your Google Webmaster Tools and go to the Index status report, then click on advanced, you will see Google removed the "not selected" option from the report.

Friday, February 8, 2013

25 Online Marketing Trends for 2013
Every year for the past 4 years the SEOptimise blog has predicted trends within the online marketing industry.  In keeping with this tradition, I’ve listed 25 trends that I think we’ll see becoming more and more mainstream in 2013. Considering the rate of change within the online marketing space, most of these listed may not even be new. So, without further ado, here’s my list of online marketing trends for 2013:
AdWords Enhanced Campaigns: What You Need to Know
Google has announced a major update to its AdWords advertising platform, with the introduction of ‘enhanced campaigns’. According to the AdWords blog, it is meant to help advertisers manage ad campaigns more simply and smartly in today’s multi-device world.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Everyone is building infographics, why not me? I actually asked myself this question the other day, and my initial answer was, "Because I have absolutely no graphic design ability at all."

How to Create Good Infographics Quickly & Cheaply

Well, honestly that answer kind of pissed me off. I'm a smart girl, I can figure this out without paying a fortune, right?

The Google Penguin update has changed the link building process forever. Gone are the days when it was easy to rank for desired keywords by building tons of links using exact keywords as the anchor text.
In the wake of Penguin, uncertain exactly where the thresholds and ratios are. Just how well distributed should our anchor text be in order to get the best results?
Easy Way To Verify Google Authorship And Show Profile Picture In Search Results
You may have been wondering how author's show their profile picture in Google search results, but the secrete behind it will be revealed in this tutorial. As a content creator, it is now important that you claim your content in search results using Arthorship markup, due to the new system Google will be introducing in any moment from now, in ranking content according to their authorAuthorRank.
If you are using Google+ profile on your blog, your profile picture will appear just fine in search results, because the profile come with Authorship snippet by default.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Google's First PageRank Update In 2013
Google has begun pushing out new PageRank values to the Google Toolbar yesterday. This would make the first Toolbar PageRank update of 2013.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

23 reasons to improve your content in 2013
Image credit: 10ch
New year, new you – but is it time for a facelift of your website’s content as well? To stay ahead of the competition and to win moments that matter to your customers, recognising the growing value of good online content is the first step; whether it’s launching a new blog, writing some guides, or revamping your landing pages and paid search text.